Permanent hair dye with pigment-lock technology that locks the paint without the use of ammonia.
- It offers 100% coverage of white and gray hair, long duration and bright color, while at the same time it cares and protects the hair from damage.
FIRST USE If you are dyeing your hair for the first time. If you haven’t dyed your hair in the last 3 months or more.
- Put a towel over the shoulders to protect clothes. Apply some greasy cream near the hair crown so as not to dye your skin. Remove the jewelry and put on the gloves on the package.
- Empty the entire contents of the 50mL tube of paint into the flask of the paint-activated emulsion.
- Close the lid and shake the mixture well for 2 minutes, until it becomes homogeneous.
- As soon as the mixture is ready, IMMEDIATELY remove the entire lid, then unscrew its tip and re-screw the open muzzle. The product is effective only if it is applied immediately after its mixing. Do not store the mixture after use.
- Apply the mixture from the roots to the edges, section by section, using the tip of the applicator to separate the hair. Put the rest of the product on the entire scalp and gently massage. The mixture does not drip.
- Let it act for 35 minutes.
- Massage the hair with a little lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly until the water runs clean. Then bathe with a gentle shampoo and rinse.
- Apply the contained in the package emollient color stabilization cream sunflower and Mountain tea for dyed hair. Massage carefully to ensure proper absorption of the ingredients.
- Let it act for 1-2 minutes and rinse.
REPEAT USE When the hair is lengthened and you need to repaint the roots.
- Follow the instructions from step 1 to step 4.
- Apply the mixture ONLY to the roots using the tip of the applicator to separate the hair.
- Let it act for 25 minutes.
- Apply the remaining mixture to the length of the hair, gently massage and let it act for another 10 minutes.
- Finish by following the instructions from step 7 to 9.
IMPORTANT - In the event that gray hair is particularly durable, leave the dye an additional 5 minutes for full coverage of the grays. – If the color in the rest of the hair has not faded, apply the remaining mixture to the length of the hair for another 5 minutes, for a more shiny result. – Always follow the recommended processing time, to avoid darker or lighter effects on hair color.
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