The first new teeth usually appear around the 6th-10th month, although large fluctuations are common. The new teeth are a total of 20 and their appearance is completed between 2 and 3 years.
The symptoms of new tooth eruption vary. It can be very mild, such as an increased secretion of saliva or itching in the gums, to more serious, such as fever, tendency to vomit, insomnia.
In most cases the discomfort subsides as soon as the tooth that caused them erupts. The Elgydium Baby toothbrush is specially designed for your baby’s first teeth.
It can be used either in combination with special soothing gels to relieve the symptoms of the eruption of the first teeth, or simply to clean the baby’s teeth. Also, the handle of the toothbrush works as a chewing gum.
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